
Unlock Shopify revenue by optimizing shipping rates through A/B tests

What is ShipScout?

ShipScout enables you to test different shipping rates & free shipping thresholds to find the most effective solution in terms of price & customer satisfaction. Free shipping is a powerful incentive. Exponentially increase conversion rates by A/B testing shipping rates & free thresholds. Merchants can customize any component of the site to show variant-specific data based on the visitor. See real-time results via the dashboard & optimize your shipping rates to find the most lucrative solution.

What are my contributions?

As a Full Stack Developer for this project, I utilized MERN Stack along with other tools and techs to develop many features of the product.

Some of my key achievements and tasks included:

  • Integrated frontend compnonents with backend services using RESTful APIs.
  • Enables features like user authentication and data fetching.
  • implementing techniques such as lazy loading, code splitting, and image. optimization to reduce page load times and improve overall responsiveness.
  • Documented frontend architecture, design decisions, and coding conventions.
  • Maintained and debug/solve issues.

Techs and Tools I Used:

  • Languages and Frameworks: MERN Stack, Next JS
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Others: Eslint, Husky, Github